A Message from the Grace United Church Board

At the Annual Congregational Meeting on March 12, 2023, the congregation approved the following motion:  “Grace United Church Board recognises the need for growth in our congregation.  Reverend Cathy is feeling a shift in her calling to children, youth and families.  Therefore, we move the recruitment of an associate support minister to carry out the ministry of Worship, the Sacraments and Pastoral Care.  Reverend Cathy would remain the Lead Minister at Grace United Church.”

 We brought this motion forward for two reasons.

 First, our Generative Plan has identified the need to attract children and young families to our church.  For a number of years now, attendance at our Sunday School has been sparse or non-existent.  We have had good success with such things as the GUC Playschool, Super Sunday, and Messy Church.  Kids Praise is also showing some promise.

 We believe that we need a dedicated champion/leader to be successful with our youth ministry.  We considered a number of options.  We concluded that the best option was for Reverend Cathy to shift her focus to youth ministry.

 Second, Reverend Cathy approached us in December to ask that we consider a request for a change in her focus to youth ministry.  She has been our minister for five eventful years now and feels the need for some form of renewal.  She has done youth ministry work successfully in the past and clearly has a passion for it.

 We believe therefore that this move has the double benefit of reenergizing our youth ministry and providing some renewal for Reverend Cathy.

 We have had some struggles with “team ministries” in the past so felt that it was important Reverend Cathy be designated as Lead Minister.

 Job descriptions are being prepared for both Reverend Cathy’s new role and for the new Associate Minister.  In summary, Reverend Cathy will focus on children, youth and young families, the new minister on worship, the sacraments and pastoral care.

 We also discussed the timing of this move.  It would have been nice to give the congregation more time to consider the motion.  Unfortunately, the next two to three months are the time frame in which United Church of Canada ministers consider a change of pastoral charge.  We felt if we did not act quickly we would miss this window and basically delay the process by a year.

 Our contact at our United Church of Canada Region has advised us that he feels there will be a number of excellent candidates looking for a move.  We are optimistic therefore that we can fill this position by the fall.  If this does not come to pass, we will have to adjust our timing.  Reverend Cathy will not be relinquishing her present duties until we are sure we have successfully called an Associate Minister.

 We will be establishing a search committee shortly.  We expect the committee will have members from the board and the congregation.

 If you would like to discuss any of this further, please contact any board member or Reverend Cathy.

Bev Thurlow